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The Most Important Elements a Contractor's Website Should Have


If you're a contractor, it makes sense that you should have a website that helps market your services. You could be involved in roofing, plumbing, or landscaping, but operating a functional company website can help grow your business in the market and boost your revenues. Yet, the online success of these types of businesses is dependent on adherence to certain best practices for contractor websites.


Here are standard and important features that your contractor website should have:


Visual Appeal


Looks play an important role when it comes to company websites. Your website should have a design and layout that projects your brand positively online. A website that's not expertly designed is unlikely to make a great impression with prospective buyers.



Intuitive Design


Prospective buyers should not encounter difficulty accessing certain pages of your site. Your website should have self-explanatory navigation such that customers need not always refer to a tutorial to know which sections of your site they should visit to accomplish actions vital to your company, such as ask questions, buy, or register.




Recent statistics show that the majority of web traffic is coming from mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. Nevertheless, the site you deploy for access through desktops should be different from the site for access via small mobile devices to resolve possible navigation and readability concerns. At the same time, it's costly to build and run two separate contractor websites, one for mobile access and another for desktop use. For facts about websites, visit this website at


The most viable approach for getting maximum traffic from both desktop and mobile sources is reactive design. This type of design involves creating one website with the capability to transform its features, like navigation and fonts, to match the display of the visitor's device.


Great Content and SEO


After creating a website at, great content will give it life and meaning. So, be sure to provide meaningful onsite content that can compel visitors to take desired action. This content must be optimized around certain keywords that potential customers are typing on Google while looking for the type of service you're offering. Optimizing your content this way will result in higher search results page rankings and ultimately, more qualified web traffic.


Business Portfolio


If you want to attract new customers, one way to win their confidence is by providing a portfolio that showcases your previous projects and customers. In case new customers arrive at your website and notice that your past customers are satisfied with the quality of your service, your portfolio is offer a priceless endorsement for the cost of nothing.


If you hope to offer your online company a profitable, sensible existence, the best practices for contractor websites at should be adhered to.

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